Everything to know about Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove stubborn fat – the kind that even exercise and diet can’t touch. The fat is suctioned from the abdomen, thighs and buttocks through a small tube that is inserted into the skin.

  1. How do I know if I’m a good candidate for liposuction?

It’s mainly that you’re healthy and you’re realistic goals about what you can obtain with the procedure. For instance, if you’re morbidly obese, have a lot of stretch marks, or a lot of loose skin – maybe you’re not a good candidate for liposuction and other surgical option should be explored.

  1. How invasive is the procedure and how large are the incisions?

Medically speaking, it’s a minimally invasive procedure. The incisions are very small, 3 to 5 millimeters long, and usually hidden in creases or places that can be hidden with underwear. The results, compared to how minimally invasive it is, are just amazing.

  1. Will I lose weight after getting liposuction?

First of all, liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. What we want to achieve is actually and contouring – it’s not a weight loss procedure.

However, it will help you lose some weight as this procedure can speed up the metabolism of the patient and burn calories faster. But, you do have to take into account that the next day or two weeks after surgery, you may be heavier or weight the same. That’s because surgeons have to infiltrate or insert some fluid into the fat to extract it out. The procedure helps you lose weight, but it does it in the long run.

  1. Is Liposuction an appropriate procedure for someone who is really overweight?

We have to take into account the weight compared to the height of a person. Usually beyond a BMI of 30, you are considered obese. Ideally, the patient must lose weight until they are under this number to qualify as a candidate for liposuction.

  1. So if you had a patient with a BMI of over 30, what would be your recommendation?

Anyone who is beyond a BMI of 34, is a candidate for bariatric surgery. We have stomach reduction surgery that is actually very efficient for reducing weight. Or, maybe something that is slightly less invasive – like a gastric band or maybe just dieting, which can help achieve weight loss before doing liposuction.

  1. Will liposuction get rid of my cellulite?

We have two main kinds of cellulite – primary and secondary. Primary is what almost 90% of the population has, and it’s duet o fat. You have to have extra fat to have cellulite – and liposuction helps with fat reduction. Secondary cellulite is due to loose skin – so if you have that, we’ll need something to retract the skin.

This is the best procedure to get rid of love handles – this is the fat that doesn’t go away very easily with dieting a proper diet or exercise.

  1. Do I have to get liposuction again to maintain my results?

As I said before one of the after-effects of liposuction is that we have an increased metabolic rate – so with proper diet and exercise, you can easily maintain your results.

The other factor, is a sense of being incentivized. With certain techniques like high-definition liposuction, you will already have the results and the abs. This keep you motivated with diet and exercise.

  1. Should I wait until I’m finished having children to get liposuction?

Personally, what I see is that patients that do liposuction before have a pregnancy, have a protection of sorts against gaining weight. When women have had liposuction and get pregnant – they don’t gain a lot of weight, or get a lot of stretch marks.

  1. When should I typically expect to start seeing results?

We have two factors: One is the swelling that happens after the surgery. Usually the swelling goes away after the first month. The second is the metabolic increase, which means that most of our patients can see final results between three to six months after the surgery.


Dr. Ashok Pandey from Bombay Cosmetic Clinic is a  celebrated and revered personality in the field of cosmetic surgery. Currently conducting his cosmetic and aesthetic surgery practice in Navi Mumbai, he is associated with number of leading hospitals across the city where he regularly imparts his services to the needy.

Such is his expertise in his field of knowledge that he has successfully conducted more than thousand cosmetic practicing in South Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and plastic surgeries in his career so far.

For consultation call – 099307 31109 / 022 27801101


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