Everything you need to know about Skin Polishing

The skin is vulnerable to a variety of things like harmful sun radiation, dust, pollution and many more. This makes the skin lose the natural radiance and shine. It is necessary to exfoliate our skin at regular intervals so that we can protect it from harmful effects of these attacking elements.

This technique exfoliates your skin and unclogs your pores, leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant. Although microdermabrasion is performed by the help of an efficient dermatologist, kits can be purchased over the counter.

Types of Treatment:

  1. Crystal Microdermabrasion:

The technique is performed using a small equipment that blasts inert microscopic crystals to gently exfoliate the epidermal layer and promote a thicker healthier dermis while smoothing and refreshing the skin. A vacuum tube is then used to separate the crystals and dead skin cells. The use of a vacuum within the system helps to increase circulation in the area.

  1. Diamond-tip Microdermabrasion:

Another newer approach of procedure is where a diamond tipped wand is worked gently across the skin. Thus the skin will be exfoliated. There will be a sensation of vibration on your skin, which is the dead skin being sucked away.

The purpose of this procedure is to exfoliate the skin and unclog the pores, leaving the skin feeling soft and clear. It takes around 30-45 minutes for the completion of the process. Usually few sittings are needed for desired results. The sessions occur over a span of several weeks. To maintain that shiny skin, a monthly session is recommended.

The technique is quite safe. It is painless and is non-invasive. The procedure only separates the superficial layer of dead skin cells to reveal the fresher, younger cells beneath. Regardless of your skin’s condition, fine lines and age spots may be removed and acne scars and stretch marks will become less evident.

Is this effective on all skin types and complexions?

The process is effective on all skin types and complexions.


It is advised to stop all applications 2 days before the day of treatment. Eat a diet including Omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and Vitamins A, C. Apply Sunscreen regularly before the start of the treatment for best results. All the previous medication history should be shared with the doctor performing the procedure. If you have a history of herpes, you should inform doctor prior to the procedure.

Post Treatment care:

You may experience some stinging, redness, irritation or burning sensation. It is also common to experience some temporary flaking or scaling, redness and dryness of the skin. Do not touch or peel the flaking skin and apply moisturizer.  It is better to avoid direct sun exposure after the treatment and also apply sun screen regularly, SPF 30+ or as advised. Refrain from saunas, steam and sunbathing for 7 weeks after the procedure. You can wash you face 6-8 hours after the treatment, using a mild face wash. For better result, a gap of 3-4 weeks between the skin polishing sessions is recommended. And abstain from any applications/ make up for 3 days after the treatment. Do not use glycolic acid, Retin A, exfollants or astringents for two days after the treatment.

What are the Benefits of this Surgery?

Skin Rejuvenation

As a result of the treatment your skin becomes rejuvenated if it has been really dull and unappealing. It polishes and improves the lymphatic drainage of skin. The process also improves blood flow and there by reenergize the skin. It fights against ageing symptoms and makes your skin young and attractive.

Removes Pigmentation

The pigmented skin looks really unattractive and unhealthy. The black spots and fine lines are quite common and increases with age. Pigmentation could be effectively removed using the skin polishing technique. Microdermabrasion helps in treating tans and skin damage caused by exposure to harsh sun-rays.

Fresh Cell Growth

Over time, our skin accumulates dead skin cells. This process would however restrict the initiation of the nascent cell growth. Dead cells, dirt and oil create a layer on the skin which can prevent topical creams from absorbing properly. A skin polish will prepare the skin in such a way that these products can be more easily absorbed.

Skin Brightening

The treatment helps remove oil and dirt accumulations that are clogging the skin pores. This prevents breakouts on your skin in future. The technique helps to make the skin radiant and clean. A polished skin looks attractive and provides a fresh feeling. Skin becomes softer, smoother and supple after the treatment.

Hydrates Skin

It helps in hydrating the skin thus removing the dull look. A hydrated skin provides a healthy glow and a softer, more youthful complexion. It is a wonderful remedy for skin that is delicate and sensitive to chemicals because it utilize non-allergenic crystals to cure various skin issues. Once you polish your skin you will allow a smooth and radiant complexion to shine through.


Dr. Ashok Pandey from Bombay Cosmetic Clinic is a  celebrated and revered personality in the field of cosmetic surgery. Currently conducting his cosmetic and aesthetic surgery practice in Navi Mumbai, he is associated with number of leading hospitals across the city where he regularly imparts his services to the needy.

Such is his expertise in his field of knowledge that he has successfully conducted more than thousand cosmetic practicing in South Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and plastic surgeries in his career so far.

For consultation call – 099307 31109 / 022 27801101

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