Cosmetic Procedure to Make You Look Younger

Eyebrows botox brow lift:  This procedure is performed in a such a manner to make your eyebrows arch a few millimeters higher by lifting the skin tissues above and around the eyebrows. Permanent makeup is an alternative to this treatment and tackles this issue easily.

Forehead treatment: due to aging there is loss of volume in the face which is created. The empty spaces on the each sides of eye are called as temporal hollows. Your facial expression can be enhanced by filling these by means of an easy aesthetic procedure of injecting the site with dermal fillers.

Crow’s feet:  Crow’s feet are the wrinkles and fine lines radiating from the eyes on the face. Usually this is caused by exposure in the sun, but smoking can make them worse. By undergoing botox treatment you can relax the muscles and cause the lines to fade away.

Nasolabial and mentolabial: Furrows in the nasolabial folds called ‘parentheses’, as well as deep ‘marionette lines’ give a person a sad appearance due to its presence. These can be one of the first signs of facial aging. Treatment should be considered to replenish youthful volume and stimulate collagen production by using volumizing dermal fillers in the areas which will help in minimizing the appearance of the wrinkles.

Tear trough: The thing which makes individuals look tired, sickly and unhealthy is the presence of sunken eyes, dark circles and under-eye bags. Due to volume and moisture loss, the area between the eyes and the nose are called the tear trough, if looks sunken and hollow makes the eyes and face look tired. With the help of a soft filler, the area can be filled up and make to look plumper and you can look younger.

Apples of the cheek: the cheeks are the area where aging looks the most obvious. Reinstating volume in this area and making it look youthful will make you look younger than any other cosmetic procedure can. Without the pain of cheek implants, you can have higher density filler material inserted into your cheeks to have a perfectly rounded pair of cheeks. As the skin of the cheeks gets lifted due to the filler material, it also removes and lifts the possible laugh lines and make them appear less severe.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty: Anyone who possesses a mild to moderate nasal hump irregularity or deviation who does not desire a change in the size of their nose is a candidate for injection Rhinoplasty. It is a great option for those who are trying to get rid of a flattened nasal bridge and/or a broad, poorly defined nasal tip and dorsum.

Smile correction: A simple and few botox injections placed in a few strategic locations will prevent the upper lip from raising excessively high when you smile and thus exposing the gum.

Lips: Lips if needed can be plumped at any age. Apart from enhancing your natural lips, fillers can correct thin, crinkled or inverted lips. The Filler procedure for lips is minimally invasive and help in the aim of restoring lost volume naturally without giving it a ‘tout pout’ look, lifting the angles of the mouth and minimizing the crinkles by plumping them. If you are unhappy with the results, then it can be easily undone.

Chin augmentation: With age, chin lengthens and sags, or a ‘square face’ where the angle of the face is big can be achieved with a simple, almost painless technique of injecting botox into the strong chewing muscle. Botox releases, resulting in an oval-shaped face which is a definite sign of beauty.

Nefertiti neck: The Nefertiti neck lift results in an upward movement of the skin to minimize sagging jowls and leaves a more defined bone structure, neck and facial contour. Injections into the vertical bands of the neck further reduces the downward pull on the jowl area and side of the face and produces a much smoother appearance to the neck.

Sweat free underarm and palms: Small quantities of botox when injected into the underarm or in the palms, can prevent sweat production. Effects last for up to 10 months.

Hairless smooth skin: the diode hair removal laser works remarkably well on any area of the body- unkempt pair of eyebrows, dark sideburns, greenish hair growth in the underarm area or hair growth on the upper back. This laser is strong enough and concentrated to kill hundreds of follicles by causing permanent destruction and also treating them if required.

Younger looking hands: Hands may make you look older than you look. They give away the age. Fillers with a combination of a skin tightening laser can work wonders. Superficial and deep peels done once a month are also a great option.

Smooth Feet: Some of the most common problem faced on the feet are cracked skin, dry, calluses, corns, tan, build-up of hard skin around the heels and balls of the feet and in-grown toe nails. As a quick home remedy start by soaking your feet in some warm water mixed with some salt and slough the dead skin with a pumice stone. The feet have a very high rate of cell turnover so it becomes important to keep exfoliating this area regularly. Secondly perform massage on the soles and feet with some Vaseline two-three nights a week before bedtime. Put on a pair of cotton socks and allow the moisture to seep in overnight. Whilst waxing legs, wax the foot as well, this removes the dryness and dullness from the upper part of the foot and the toes, as waxing too is a form of exfoliation.

Skin firming: Radio frequency technologies are the new age mantra to tighten the early stages of sagging skin and subcutaneous tissues around the neck and sides of the face to create a sharper jawline and a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. This minimally invasive treatment is designed to help tighten, firm and contour even the abdomen, arms, thighs and buttocks in a single treatment without surgery and little or no downtime.

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