Beard and Body Hair Extraction For Patients with Limited Donor Hair

In society and individually, hair is such a prominent feature, hair-loss can have a profound effect on our self-esteem. Many people are of the belief that hair loss can make a person look less youthful, less attractive, less vital and less desirable. There are chances that a person may find it tough to find a romantic partner, or even get hired for a job due to hair loss even though they are the best candidate.

For anyone who is looking for a solution to the hair loss they are facing, hair restoration is a natural remedy to the problem. It was noticed that every stage of hair loss except severe baldness had a hair restoration solution but not until recently have they become a candidate for it. From recently, it has become easier for doctors to extract hair from beard and body hair as an additional graft resource for patients who no longer have enough head hair follicles to use as a donor site.

Hair Restoration Using Beard and Body Hair Follicles

Hair from the beard and body can be considered a viable source of hair follicles which counts in the thousands which wasn’t considered as enough for coverage once thought possible. The best area for harvesting these donor hairs are the beard followed by the chest and back.

While it can be considered that the hair growth on the beard can be similar to that of the hair of head, the hair growth on the chest cannot be considered viable as they are shorter in most patients. However, once inseminated into the hair follicles of the head these hair start possessing the same quality of hair luster and texture as the scalp hair and their ability to integrate seamlessly into the scalp and grow long, as it they were always on the scalp.

The concept of collecting hair follicles from the beard and the body hair follows the principle of donor site collection called, follicular unit extraction, or FUE. Depending upon the desired density and the size of the areas to be covered, one FUE procedure can extract from 500 to as many as 4,000 body hair grafts.

FUE allows the hair to be transplanted one at a time, with allowance to give the hair follicle direction and exact placement. FUE is the most natural and sophisticated hair restoration method available today, and has gained rapid acceptance among professionals and patients alike because it is minimally invasive, highly versatile and leaves little detectable scarring.

It has been seen that FUE is not only easier, quicker and less painful than other hair restoration techniques, but it also offers visible results in hair density levels after just one session, all with no incisions, sutures or staples.

A surgeon skilled in FUE uses a small, handheld punch to excise small groupings of one to four beard and body hair follicles, which get reinserted into the receptor sites which are present on the top and sides of the head. The surgeon removes the grafts in a widespread pattern that minimizes the appearance of scars and avoids leaving any bald patches.

Who is a Good Candidate for Beard and Body Hair Procedures?

Previously, only the patients who had severe hair baldness were not a candidate to qualify for hair transplantation, techniques, since patients with excessive hair loss lack the scalp donor hair to perform a successful hair transplant procedure.

Harvesting body and beard hair, not only helps people who are in serious need for hair restoration surgery but also helps regenerative process of head hair. Now, this advanced FUE technique is helping thousands of patients regain their self-esteem and quality of life.

For patients, who lack the clear quality and quantity of hair scalp, hair from the beard and body hair is an outstanding alternative resource. On average, it has an excellent long-term graft survival rate, and is thick enough to provide a desirable coverage and density.

The best candidate have a sufficient quantity of body and beard hair to serve as their donor supply, are over the age of 24 and have no allergies to anesthesia, irregularities with blood clotting or easy scarring tendencies.

In addition to the candidates who suffer from severe baldness, patients who have scarring and minimal donor hair on their scalp may benefit from using beard and body hair as an effective hair restoration source. These include patients who have previously have had a failed hair restoration surgery, as well as victims of burn or other injury. Using beard and body hair as the donor sites allow FUE practitioners to complete an otherwise impossible hair restoration surgery.

How to Find a Good Hair Restoration Surgeon

When it comes to hair restoration surgery, the most important decision you will make is what physician to select. It is vital to do your research and select the right physician. After all, the decision on meeting the right physician will decide how and what your hair appears for the rest of the life.

Dr. Ashok Pandey founded the Hair Restoration Center to provide patients with the latest innovations in hair transplants. Our patient-focused practice is solely dedicated of the art and science of surgical hair restoration techniques. As a physician dedicated to full-time hair transplants, Dr. Pandey provides a high level of attention to detail and a truly superior hair restoration experience.

Dr. Ashok Pandey has been performing FUE hair transplants since 2006 and was the first doctor in the world to perform large sessions using this technique. He regularly performs 3,000 to 4,000 graft FUE cases in a single day, and is personally involved in every surgery he performs from beginning to end.

As he has treated thousands of patients not only from Mumbai but throughout Asia.

Are you ready to change your life with natural-looking hair restoration? Contact our clinic today to schedule a complimentary, confidential consultation.

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